By gg Freee

About the Author

Born in Mexico at 3:33am GG Angel Freee has traveled the planet experiencing many cultures, religions, and philosophies. Her seeking nature has led Her on a healing path to guide humanity to evolution.
Her mind has a way of softening concepts of life and spirituality in a way that even a child can understand and translate. So when the pandemic hit and ceased Her travel adventures, She began an intense Self exploration. She embarked on lengthy fasts from food, as well as a vow of silence. During these life transformative experiences She wrote a series of books entitled Wake Up Before You Grow Up. She developed a way to allow children to express the truths of Their perspectives on the human experience, unlocking the parts of Their minds that most children lose during youth, because of mediocre programming from Their parents, elders, and teachers. Her hopes are that We can all reach higher levels of consciousness, which as a result will lead Us to Our evolution, by guiding Our children to communicate better with Us. No longer limiting the human from Its highest potential through constant
awareness of everything involving Our energies, fears, love, and intuition. GG currently resides in the states where She cooks and creates conscious cookbooks as well as participating in speaking events and podcasts using Her Presence and ability to channel truth through Her words.  

a message from gg freee

The complete series is now available on amazon!

Book One: LIFE

This book is the easiest to read. It sets the tone of how the books will be expressed through a perspective. This one aligns with the root chakra and grounds the child’s awareness in where Life comes from and what it is.(Told through the perspective of LIFE.)

Book Two: ENERGY

This book begins opening the child’s awareness up, by introducing Them to Their emotions being a form of energy They have control over. It aligns with Their sacral chakra energy.
(Told through the perspective of ENERGY.)

Book Three: FEAR

This book introduces the concept that fear is only existing in the child’s mind. The concept of this book allows the child to be a witness of fear being a choice next to Love. The message aligns with Their solar plexus chakra.
(Told through the perspective of FEAR.)

Book Four: SOURCE

This book similar to book one, without characters, opens the child’s Mind to the awareness that all of Creation is One thing. Pointing out everything from the tiniest organisms, to Their blood cells, to snow flakes, and much more lead back to a Source of all things, Love. Aligning Their Heart Chakra.
(Told through the perspective of SOURCE.)

Book Five: SOUND 

This book is when the dynamics get deeper. Guiding the child through the awareness of every sound They are experiencing having an effect on reality. Ranging from the realizations of animals sounds to Their language and talking, is creating Their current reality. Aligning Their throat chakra. (Told through the perspective of SOUND.)


This book introduces the concept of a sixth sense that not everyone is aware of yet. The child is opened up to synchronicity and magic being almost a state of Being within Themselves. This alignment opens the Third Eye Chakra.
(Told through the perspective of INTUITION.)

Book Seven: AWAKE

This book brings all the perspective symbols together by pairing them with the seven chakras. The book brings the child back through the previous books, being keys collected in order to align Their chakras. It prides the child in the fact that They have a choice of being awake rather than sleeping through Their human experience.